
Prof Dr Philipp Hacker

Chair for Law and Ethics of the Digital Society
European University Viadrina
Prof. Dr. Philipp Hacker

Prof Dr Philipp Hacker, LL.M. (Yale), holds the Chair of Law and Ethics of the Digital Society at the European New School of Digital Studies (ENS) at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder). His research currently focuses on the regulation of digital technologies, especially in the field of artificial intelligence. Philipp frequently collaborates with computer scientists and mathematicians, especially on questions of explainable AI and algorithmic fairness. He has received several academic awards for his work, including the 2020 Science Prize of the German Foundation for Law and Informatics. He regularly advises national and EU legislators, regulators and industry. Philipp is co-founder and co-leader of the International Expert Consortium on the Regulation, Economics and Computer Science of AI (RECSAI). He was recently appointed General Editor of the new, 12-volume series AI and Society, which will be published by Oxford University Press from 2024-2026.